Tuesday, April 29, 2014

REFOG Mac Keylogger

Company name: REFOG Website: http://www.refog.com/
Country: United States of America Author email: submit@refog.com

Program name: REFOG Mac Keylogger Version: 2.3.735
Release (MDY): 02/26/2014 Cost amount: 49.95$

Type: Shareware Status: Major Update Install: Install and Uninstall
Operating Systems: Mac OS X,
Languages: English,Czech,Danish,Dutch,Finnish,French,German,Greek,Hungarian,Italian,Japanese,Korean,Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Slovak,Spanish,Swedish,Turkish

Size Bytes: 4826112 Size KB: 4713 Size MB: 4.60
Has expire information: Y Expire count: 3 Expire base: Days

Change info: - Updated look of logs received by email. - Apple Skype, Messages, Adium and iChat chat messages logging. - OS X 10.9 Mavericks compatibility. - Log Cleanup automatically deletes old events and screenshots that take too much disk space. - Use App Filter to select which applications to monitor.
Category: class and subclass: Security & Privacy::Other
Specific Category:
Requirements: Keylogger for Mac is now logging visited web pages

Keywords: keylogger for mac, mac keylogger, keylogger mac

2000 character description: With Refog Keylogger for Mac, computer secrets are no longer a secret. Parents no longer have to wonder if their children are doing their homework or chatting with friends. Spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic Internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex online. Instead, they can install this keylogger for Mac on the computer without anyone else in the home knowing it exists. The keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times. Even computer savvy family members cannot outsmart the Refog Keylogger for Mac because it can run unknown in stealth mode or users can opt for password protection that prevents others from attempting to delete the evidence. In addition to keystroke logging, the program also maintains a web history and an application history so users can glimpse what sites are being visited and what software is being used without their knowledge. The easy-to-use interface makes the program simple for any parent, spouse, or employer to install and operate. Plus, if users know what they are expecting to find, they can do an event search and see the hard evidence immediately. Filtering results by dates, times, and other elements is also part of the software. Parental controls on the Mac may be able to keep your children safe from some sites but not all of them. And parental controls are easy to get around by tech-savvy kids and have no effect at all on suspicious acting spouses. Using Refog Keylogger for Mac provides a more complete and effective answer.

Application info URL: http://www.refog.com/mac-keylogger.html
Ordering URL: http://www.refog.com/buynow.html?os=mac
Icon URL:
PAD file URL: http://repository.appvisor.com/app-9500d82976a6/site-00bc1adafe1/lng-eng/REFOG_Mac_Keylogger_pad.xml
Download primary URL: http://cdn.refog.com/RefogKeylogger-2.3.735.dmg
Distribution permissions: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. YOU ARE GRANTED THE FOLLOWING LIMITED RIGHTS: 1. A non-exclusive, nontransferable right to use the shareware version of the REFOG Keylogger within evaluation period of 3 days. (The trial period does not apply if you have registered the software). 2. The right to distribute the software in its shareware form to third parties, provided the latter agree to accept the terms of this Agreement. 3. One bought license gives the right to install a registered version of REFOG Keylogger on 1 computer. IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO: 1. Modify the software partially or completely. 2. Decompile or reverse engineer the software. 3. Refer your registration number to third parties if you are a registered user. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED YOUR USER'S RIGHTS WOULD BE AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED. THIS TERMINATION WILL BE IN ADDITION TO ANY CRIMINAL, CIVIL OR OTHER REMEDIES. LIMITED WARRANTY: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR INDIRECT DAMAGES: The author cannot be held responsible under any circumstances for damages of any character arising out of the use of this product. This software is provided under license on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. PROPERTY: This software, including its code, documentation, appearance, structure, and organization is an exclusive product of the REFOG Inc. company, which retains the property rights to the software, its copies, modifications, or merged parts. REFUND POLICY REFOG software purchases are final and nonrefundable. Please be sure you have successfully tested the evaluation version for your product before buying a license.

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