Company name: REFOG Website:
Country: United States of America Author email:
Program name: REFOG Keylogger Version:
Release (MDY): 03/31/2014 Cost amount: 49.95$
Type: Shareware Status: Major Update Install: Install and Uninstall
Operating Systems: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Win2000,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64
Languages: English,French,German,Italian,Japanese,Polish,Portuguese,Spanish,Turkish,Ukrainian
Size Bytes: 9197568 Size KB: 8982 Size MB: 8.77
Has expire information: Y Expire count: 3 Expire base: Days
Change info: User Interface fixes.
Category: class and subclass: Security & Privacy::Other
Specific Category:
Requirements: None
Keywords: keylogger, key logger, keylogger software, keystroke recorder, password recorder, keystroke logger
2000 character description: Computers can be useful tools for entertainment, education, and communication but in the wrong hands they can be dangerous. Children can connect with online predators. Teenagers can provide inappropriate information on their social networking profiles. Spouses can make romantic connections with members of the opposite sex. But with REFOG Keylogger none of these activities have to remain a mystery. This keylogger software can keep track of chat room and instant messaging conversations then decode them so users can read them with ease. In addition, the software will keep a log of all the web site's visited by each user, as well as the applications each used to give you a full picture of what was being done on the computers . Periodic screenshots taken automatically by the software also provide additional useful information in exactly what your loved ones have been up to online. Unlike many examples of keylogger software for the home, this one can run invisibly and undetected behind the scenes 24 hours a day because it is maintenance-free. Family members won't know the keylogger software has been added on so they won't think to uninstall it or tamper with the logs. If by some miracle they did, all of those things would be protected by a master password that you create upon installation. Because all of the logs are maintained for each individual user and because you receive automatic comprehensive reports of the activities being logged, you'll never have to wonder what your children, your adolescents, or your spouse is doing on the computers again.
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Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the Internet, CD and DVD.