Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Company name: Zumesoft Solutions Website: http://www.registeraustraliancompany.com.au
Country: Australia Author email: acn@zumesoft.com

Program name: AustralianCompanyACNValidator.exe Version: 1
Release (MDY): 02/01/2014 Cost amount: 0$

Type: Freeware Status: New Release Install: No Install Support
Operating Systems: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinServer,Win98
Languages: English

Size Bytes: 25000 Size KB: 24 Size MB: 0.02
Has expire information: N Expire count: Expire base: Days

Change info:
Category: class and subclass: Business::Other
Specific Category:
Requirements: 1GZ 1 GB ram

Keywords: Australian, Company, Number, ACN Validator, Company Registration

2000 character description: This tool is used to validate an ACN. Under the Corporations Act 2001, every company in Australia is issued with a unique, nine-digit number, an Australian Company Number (ACN). Companies are required to disclose their ACN on: the common seal (if any) and every other seal of the company (if any); every public document issued, signed or published by, or on behalf of, the company; every eligible negotiable instrument issued, signed or published by, or on behalf of, the company; and all documents required to be lodged with ASIC. An ACN is not required on (at least): packaging and labelling, including envelopes and transport documents; advertisements which do not make a specific offer which is capable of being accepted (such as advertisements which only promote the company and its goods or services in general); credit cards and credit card vouchers; machine-generated receipts, including cash-register receipts; business cards and 'with compliments' slips; and items which are not documents (e.g., vehicles, television advertisements). An ACN remains unchanged even if a company has a name change or is deregistered.

Application info URL: http://www.registeraustraliancompany.com.au
Ordering URL: http://www.registeraustraliancompany.com.au
Icon URL:
PAD file URL: http://www.registeraustraliancompany.com.au/files/AustralianCompanyACNValidator.xml
Download primary URL: http://www.registeraustraliancompany.com.au/files/AustralianCompanyACNValidator.zip
Distribution permissions: You are free to: Share ? copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt ? remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

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