Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Home Business Card for Mac

Company name: Cristallight Software Website: http://www.cristallight.com
Country: United States of America Author email: support@cristallight.com

Program name: Home Business Card for Mac Version: 1.4.6
Release (MDY): 05/16/2014 Cost amount: 29.95$

Type: Shareware Status: New Release Install: Install and Uninstall
Operating Systems: Mac OS X
Languages: English

Size Bytes: 95022890 Size KB: 92796 Size MB: 90.62
Has expire information: N Expire count: Expire base: Days

Change info: Export as EPS fixed, printing cards from Address Book improved, templates added, functionality and interface changes made.
Category: class and subclass: Business::Office Suites & Tools
Specific Category:
Requirements: MacOS 10.6 or later

Keywords: business card, labels printing, label printing software, business card printing, card printing, avery labels, vertical business card, horizontal business card, business card designer, custom label maker, macosx, database support, address

2000 character description: Both first-time users and experienced graphic designers will appreciate the intuitive powerful features of our product. Simple, tabbed interface makes the Home Business Card extremely easy to use. Home Business Card is the tool You Need to Create Professional Business Cards The Home Business Card is a business cards designer that helps you to create business cards using various built-in label formats, clipart images, and pre-made designs provided. Various objects, like text, graphics and images can be easely added to your documents. Numerous image effects, like opacity level and image mask, in combination with other settings allow you to make visually stunning effects. Pre-defined templates, images Hundreds of templates, horizontal and vertical layouts are supplied with the product. More then a thousand images for backgrounds and clipart in a variety of formats, including JPEG, TIFF, PDF, GIF, etc, are in the product image libraries. Paper formats You can print on papers from Avery, APLI, A-One, Compulabel, Canson, Data Becker, Decadry, Formtec, Herma, Herlitz, Sigel, Printec etc., Main Features: - Card formats of the major labels and cards media manufacturers - Custom card formats support - Integration with the Apple Address Book - Clipart and background image libraries, professionally designed pre-made templates - Insert JPEG, TIFF, PDF, GIF, EPS and other format images, - Export your cards to mostly used image formats ( PDF, SGI, 8BPS (Photoshop), BMP, JPEG, PNG, PNTG, TIFF, TPIC, qtif ) - Easy and intuitive interface - Color gradients support - Text along ellipse - Power Text - Tables support - Export cards to various image formats - Code 128, Datamatrix and QR Code barcode objects - Printer calibration - Bleeds, crop and trim marks - Background and Foreground layers - Start with a pre-designed template, or create your own - Print to a wide array of label types - Wrap text around overlaying objects - Double Side Cards

Application info URL: http://www.cristallight.com/homebusinesscard/
Ordering URL: http://www.cristallight.com/buy.aspx
Icon URL:
PAD file URL: http://www.cristallight.com/pad/hbc.xml
Download primary URL: http://www.cristallight.com/downloads/mac/homebusinesscard.dmg
Distribution permissions: Return Policy.   1.   It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to fully evaluate the suitability of the product by downloading the unregistered restricted application. 2.   Once the Purchaser pays for the product, he or she will receive a Key which will allow the user to activate a fully functional version of the product. Once the user the receives the Key, for distribution and refund purposes, the product is treated in the same way as a software product purchased at a retail outlet that has been opened (that is, the seal has been broken):   We will refund the funds for the product, if the product is:      (a) shown to be defective in some manner not revealed by the evaluation of the demo version, and      (b) we do not repair the defect within 15 business days and provide to the purchaser a version of the product that is free from any reported defects.   If we do not perform to remedy defects as specified in items 2(a) and 2(b), then we will fully refund the amount paid for the product. The refund will appear as a credit to the original credit card account against which the original charge was made.

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