Saturday, June 14, 2014
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» WaveMaker
By rizache June 14, 2014
Company name: VMware/WaveMaker Website:
Country: United States of America Author email:
Program name: WaveMaker Version: 6.5.2
Release (MDY): 01/04/2013 Cost amount: 0$
Type: Freeware Status: Major Update Install: Install and Uninstall
Operating Systems: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,Mac OS X,Win98,Unix,Linux,Linux Open Source,MS-DOS
Languages: English,Arabic,Japanese,Spanish
Size Bytes: 94120521 Size KB: 94120 Size MB: 94.1
Has expire information: N Expire count: Expire base: Days
Change info: Direct deployment to Cloud Foundry, The ability to bind any component on any page, Javascript access to all pages, Securing services by roles, The addition of the isDirty property, Improved helpText popups, Multiple event support, On session expiration event handling
Category: class and subclass: Web Development::Java & JavaScript
Specific Category:
Requirements: 1GB RAM, 100MB Disk Space
Keywords: Java, Web Development, Javascript, IDE, RAD, 4GL, Ajax, WYSIWYG, RIA, Cloud Development Platform, PaaS, Web Programming
2000 character description: WaveMaker is an open and easy-to-use web development platform. With WaveMaker's visual, drag and drop tools, any developer can build Java applications with minimal learning curve. Creates standard Java apps with 98% less code, boosting developer productivity and quality without compromising flexibility. WaveMaker apps are cloud-ready and can deploy to Amazon EC2 and Rackspace. WaveMaker is backed by a 29,000-strong developer community. WaveMaker is a visual RAD tool based on Spring/Hibernate/Dojo. - WaveMaker eliminates Java coding for building Web 2.0 applications, allowing developers to focus on solving business problems. WaveMaker's visual, WYSIWYG development studio was built using WaveMaker! - WaveMaker Studio generates standard Java apps - extensible by expert developers using any Java IDE. - One-click deployment eliminates the complexity of deploying web apps to enterprise or cloud-based hosting. - WaveMaker is the only open source cloud development platform! Deploy to your choice of cloud hosts directly from the Studio: Amazon EC2, Rackspace, OpSource or Eucalyptus. - WaveMaker Studio will look and feel especially familiar to client/server developers who are used to working with visual tools like Microsoft Access. - WaveMaker slashes the painful Java learning curve for developers who are familiar with tools like Microsoft .Net, Lotus Notes, Oracle Forms, PowerBuilder or ColdFusion.
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Distribution permissions: WaveMaker can be freely distributed under the Apache license...
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