Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spam: letter from Benin

(WESTERN UNION UNDER DIAMOND BANK PLC)  Has finalize all the necessary arrangement and your fund ($4.8USD) has been approve by the border Directors of ECO Bank, you will be receiving $5000 per day. Furthermore our attorney will go to the Inland Revenue tax office to obtain a letter of administration tax Clearance approval it will cost only $95usd on your behalf from high Court. The most important Requirement that we need from you is your full current information well noted and understood.

Your name___
Your country__
Your address___
You’re Occupation____
You’re Age/sex__
Your occupation direct phone number__

Below is the information you will use to pick up your first payment, you can track it online use the sender name

Sender’s Fist name: HERVE
Sender’s Last Name: ADJENIA
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) :382-785-0242
Question: Who Is Great
Answer: God
Amount: $5000.00USD

Track your first installment of Five Thousand Dollars daily online now, You are
requiring paying for Federal Bureau of Investigation Clean Bill of Transfer
Document fee to EMMA UDEN  Cyprian. And send copy of your international
passport which you will use to pick up your daily $5,000.00 in your country.

Receiver's Name: EMMA UDEN
City; Cotonou
Text Question: WHEN?
Text Answer: NOW
Amount: $95Dollars Only.
SENDER NAME::::::::::::::::::::::?

Our customer care service will call you as soon as possible to enable you pick
up your daily $5,000.00 in your country. As soon as we receive the MTCN of Federal
Bureau of Investigation Clean Bill of Transfer Document of ($95usd) for security and safety purpose, I have sent your daily $5,000.00 today and you can pick up the money at any Western Union worldwide.

Regards, & nabs;
Western Union Payment Officer
Direct Tel (+229-9993-2523)

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